Disclaimer: The products mentioned are not intended for human or animal consumption. Research chemicals are intended solely for laboratory experimentation and/or in-vitro testing. Bodily introduction of any sort is strictly prohibited by law. All purchases are limited to licensed researchers and/or qualified professionals. All information shared in this article is for educational purposes only.
This product is strictly for research/laboratory use only. Human or animal use and/or consumption is strictly prohibited by law. Only qualified and licensed professionals should handle these products. Any information found on Biotech Peptides is strictly for educational purposes only. Refer to our terms and conditions for more details.
Micthell Maynard –
Packaging could use some work but everything came in pretty good condition.
Allen Cho –
Company is new and fresh. I can tell they have their stuff togther as the customer service is great. The representatives know all about the products and can answer any questions I have had thus far.
Carl Fitzgerald –
I notice they were out of stock of one of the peptides I need for my research a few days before I had to order more. Thankfully they had a restock of it that morning!
Lucy Wong –
Biotech has been my peptide supplier since the beginning of the year. I enjoy their frequent sales and promo codes they send out. Prices are not the cheapest but they’re also not the most expensive!
Daniel Salinas –
Peptides are fantastic!
Scott Gleason –
If you do a lot of research with peptides, I highly recommend Biotech. They have great deals and are willing to work with you on price if you buy in bulk and buy consistently
Joe McKay –
Had a small issue where my peptides were not sent all togther. Just called and requested that all peptides come in one box rather then 2.
Maddy Siomara –
Got my peptide within a day with no cracks or issues.