Research Studies on CJC-1295 & GHRP-6 Blend

Research Studies on CJC-1295 & GHRP-6 Blend

The CJC-1295 & GHRP-6 blend is believed to work synergistically to stimulate the increase of growth hormone (GH). There is speculation that the increase in GH levels due to this blend might be higher than using either of these peptides alone, as well as initiate downstream action, as in the case of GHRP-6, which is believed to potentially impact hunger hormone signaling and sleep cycle regulation.


CJC-1295 Peptide

CJC-1295 is a synthetic derivative of the naturally occurring growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). It has a modified sequence of the first 29 amino acids in the GHRH that is part of the growth hormone secretagogues group. This group is believed to act on the anterior pituitary and potentially causes growth hormone release. CJC-1295 is speculated to be somewhat similar to Sermorelin but varies from other growth hormone secretagogues. An additional compound called the drug affinity complex, or DAC, is believed to attach to the structure of the peptides via a lysine linker. This complex is speculated to protect the peptide from hydrolysis during its circulation in the bloodstream and, at the same time, promotes its binding to albumin, allowing it to have a potentially longer and more stable half-life in comparison to other such compounds.

CJC-1295 and Growth Hormone Release: Since CJC-1295 is classified as a growth hormone secretagogue, it might not come as a surprise that it is speculated to cause the potential stimulation of growth hormone release from the anterior pituitary. Studies conducted on lab rats are believed to show that the introduction of CJC-1295 might boost growth hormone by up to 2x – 10x, causing a peak in the growth hormone concentration after two hours of exposure, which researchers report is maintained for 6 to 10 days.

However, one key factor differentiating CJC-1295 from other growth hormone secretagogues is that it appears to affect the hormone release purely physiologically. Exposure to the peptide is believed to allow the achievement of the usual peaks and valleys in growth hormone release during the normal circadian rhythm. Meanwhile, it is also believed to block the rise in the growth hormone level to the extent that it might cause unintended downstream action. Therefore, CJC-1295 is reputed for its potential physiological effect on growth hormone release, which might help benefit from its functions without worrying about its side effects.

It has been observed in research studies, that CJC-1295 exposure may positively influence all of the effects of growth hormones, such as protein synthesis, fat metabolism, blood sugar regulation, growth (via hypertrophy and hyperplasia), preservation of myocardial function, and bone density.

Insights on CJC-1295 and Growth Studies on mice with GHRH deficiency suggest that CJC-1295 exposure is speculated to mimic the normal physiology of GHRH release. CJC-1295 is believed to cause a pulsatile increase in GH levels. This makes it an eligible candidate for research into growth hormone deficiency and related disorders.

CJC-1295 and Infertility: Research studies from the early 1990s have hinted that CJC-1295 might help mitigate the percentage of infertility in female species. This speculation is believed to be due to IGF-1 regulating ovulation. CJC-1295 is also believed to regulate the IGF-1 via a stimulation of growth hormone release, and researchers may test it in a laboratory setting for ovulation induction and even sperm production and maturation.


GHRP-6 Peptide

GHRP-6 peptide is a growth hormone secretagogue that appears to bind to ghrelin receptors and thereby induce growth hormone release by activating these receptors. This peptide consists of a sequence of 6 amino acids in its structure.

GHRP-6 and Memory: GHRP-6 is believed to improve cognitive function and memory recall by increasing physical activity. Although this mechanism of action is not quite well understood, there is speculation that there is a reason to believe that exercise and physical activity improves learning and memory, especially if it is done following a task. Research on laboratory rats suggests that GHRP exposure solidified long-term memory and converted short-term memories into long-term ones by improving blood flow to different brain regions.

Protection of Brain Tissue: Significant data suggests that GHRP-6 exposure might protect neurons and other nervous tissues by inactivating apoptotic pathways and improving blood flow, thus preventing ischemic death.

Scar Formation: Research indicates that GHRP-6 exposure might improve the appearance of the skin and reduce scarring by increasing the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins and collagen, thereby improving scar formation.


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BPC-157 & TB-500 Blend and Tissue Repair

BPC-157 & TB-500 Blend and Tissue Repair

BPC-157 Peptide Overview

BPC-157 is a peptide sequence of 15 amino acids derived from gastric juice. The mechanism by which pentadecapeptide BPC-157 has been suggested to impact tissues is not clearly understood. Research suggests that the peptide may exert a repairing action in tissues. The peptide may exert upregulating growth factors, proangiogenic characteristics, and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. BPC-157 may potentially control the functions of collagen fragments. Research also suggests that BPC-157 has a connection with bone morphogenic proteins.

The peptide BPC-157 is a small pentadecapeptide sequence from the much larger gastric juice protein, BPC. Since it is considered to have a highly stable structure, the peptide may be resistant to the degenerating effects of hydrolysis and enzyme metabolism. It appears to be highly soluble in water and does not appear to need a particular carrier for its proper absorption.


TB-500 Peptide Overview

TB-500 is a synthetically produced peptide derived from its naturally occurring parent peptide called the thymosin-beta peptide. It is considered by researchers to act in a restorative capacity on damaged tissues and may interact with the thymus gland. The thymus gland is considered to naturally produce endogenous TB-500 peptide.

The tissue repair potential of the peptide TB-500 may stem from its potential to upregulate the protein, actin. Since actin is considered to be the major protein involved in the proliferation and cellular migration, critical steps in the growth of new tissue, TB-500 may possibly aid recovery from injury. Overall, TB-500 has been suggested by researchers to potentially improve angiogenesis, exert significant anti-inflammatory potential, and optimizes tissue repair activities, according to certain study findings.


BPC-157 & TB-500 Blend

Having described the suggested tissue repair potential of both peptides separately, extensive research suggestes that BPC-157 and TB-500 simultaneously in damaged tissue may exert beneficial action. Although both peptides are posited to utliize different mechanisms, their combined introduction may possibly cause a synergistic alteration in wound repair.

Fibroblasts are the essential cells that are considered to trigger wound healing in most tissues. Fibroblasts are the cells that produce an extracellular matrix. For them to reach their desired location, they need a carrier. The carrier is usually a protein acting as a regulator of this process of cellular migration. This stage is where the peptides BPC-157 & TB-500 may be of import. Both these peptides are suggested to upregulate actin production. BPC-157 may potentially bring about this upregulation via increased genetic transcription of the actin protein. At the same time, TB-500 may act as a binding protein to the actin. TB-500 might accumulate where it is most required by binding to the actin protein. Together, these peptides may increase the quantity of actin and improve its function. Therefore, the synergistic action of both the peptides may enhance the rate at which actin protein and various other immune system cells might migrate to the site of injury.


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Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) and Gastrointestinal Interaction

Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) and Gastrointestinal Interaction

What is Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP)?

Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) belongs to a class of peptides called the neuropeptides. Neuropeptides are short sequence peptide chains produced by neurons that play a role as chemical messengers in various biochemical pathways.

The Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide is considered to be a potent vasodilator, by researchers studying the action of the peptide. It is also classified as a neuromodulator and a neurotransmitter. It appears to function in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Here, it may modulate the smooth muscle activity mainly by relaxation and regulates epithelial cell secretion and blood flow to the GIT. It appears to interact with other gut chemicals to optimize gut function. Researchers suppose that it acts in a paracrine manner, being released from nerve terminals and acting locally on the receptors specific to it. The VIP receptor belongs to the class of G-protein coupled receptors.




Action of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide in Colitis

The intestinal epithelial wall is constantly exposed to extremely harsh conditions due to the passage of partially digested food, bile, and other acids. Maintaining the ace of the intestinal epithelial wall’s integrity is essential in protecting the small bowel from various immune-modulated inflammatory disorders; the most prominent is the inflammatory bowel disease or IBD (also known as colitis). Extensive research has suggested that the enteric nervous system (ENS) includes the fibers of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-secreting nerves running through the lamina propria of the small intestine- plays an important and poorly understood role in the protection of the intestinal epithelium.

Research suggests that the disruption of the ENS during the pathogenesis of IBD may play a contributory role in the manifestation of the overt symptoms of IBD, including abdominal cramping and runny stool. Several notable studies have suggested a strong association between the significant decrease in the expression of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and VPA1C, its receptor, and IBD. These studies conclude that VIP may play a protective role against inflammatory bowel disorders like IBD by maintaining the integrity and homeostasis of the intestinal epithelial wall.


Bile Acid Secretion Through VIP

Studies suggest that Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide may cause an increase in bile acid secretion by the liver by enhancing the flow of bile and bile salt production. In studies conducted on duct-ligated rats, researchers noticed that exposure to exogenous VIP produced a significant increase in bile pH, bicarbonate concentration, and overall bile output in a concentration-dependent manner.

Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide appeared to case a significant stimulation of the cholangiocytes in the liver. This may induce an increase in fluid and bicarbonate secretion via a potent cAMP-independent pathway. The enhancement of bile secretion and output has been suggested via research findings that suggest the exogenous introduction of VIP in animal research models resulted in a massive increase in bile volume of up to 60%.

As a potential vasodilator, Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide appears to exert a similar action on the pancreatic vascular beds. Vasodilating the vessels that supply the pancreatic bed improves pancreatic secretory activity and enhances bile secretion. Therefore, Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide may potentially play a hemodynamic role and secretory role in the gut.


Goblet Cell Growth Via VIP

Goblet cells are a specialized type of mucosal cells in the intestinal epithelium that are the prime sites for mucosal absorption and digestion. Goblet cells are extensively present in large airways and the intestinal and colonic epithelium. In all these sites, it primarily functions to secrete mucous. Goblet cells produce the macro glycoprotein called mucin, the main component of mucous.

In the gut, goblet cells secrete a thick mucous coating that maintains intestinal epithelial homeostasis upon stimulation, either by exocytosis or acetylcholine. Therefore, goblet cells have a somewhat protective function. It has been suggested by research studies that goblet cells serve as antigen importers and regulate the innate immune system.

Research on the Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide has suggested that exposure to Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide resulted in a significant increase in the ileal concentrations of goblet cells in mice models aiding in the protection of the gut.


Gallbladder Relaxation via Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide

Immunohistochemistry analysis of the gallbladder indicated VIP-secreting nerve fibers in its wall. The control of gallbladder contraction and relaxation appears to be somewhat neurohumoral. It has been suggested that Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide secretion may result in a relaxation of the Sphincter of Oddi that permits and improves bile outflow.


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Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)

What Is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD+ is a coenzyme found central to almost all types of anabolic and catabolic biochemical reactions. It is present in cells and was first discovered by Sir Arthur Harden in a boiled yeast extract. The structure of NAD+, as indicated by its name, consists of two covalently bonded mononucleotides, one of which consists of Adenine nucleobase and the other consists of Nicotinamide.


What is the Primary Biological Necessity of NAD+?

Electrons are a considered to be a strong source of energy. Their transport, loss, or gain is a source of energy. This energy drives most biological processes. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide has been regarded by researchers as the main shuttle bus that transfers electrons between molecules and cells inside living organisms. It appears to participate in all the vital energy-producing chemical reactions. In addition to energy production, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide has been speculated to regulate the circadian and sleep/wake cycle.


Natural Changes in NAD+ Levels

Cell aging is considered to result from a gradual decline in endogenous Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide levels, indicating that low levels of NAD+ may contribute to some age-related diseases. Research suggests that DNA damage, one of the hallmarks of cell aging, may activate a family of enzymes called PARPs. The PARPs repair the damaged DNA by using NAD+. With more damaged DNA during cell aging, the PARPs may consume more Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide resulting in a decline in concentration.

Research also suggests that immune system activity increases with cell aging via the activation of different enzymes. Since these enzymes use NAD+ in some ways, immune system overactivity may potentially reduce NAD+ levels.

Sirtuins are another class of proteins associated with function cell turnover and autophagy by bringing about the genetic repair of chromosomes. These sirtuins have been speculated to employ NAD+ and hence, may potentially be reduced in their concentrations over time.


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) Research Implications

Extensive investigations have been done on the potential implications and actions of NAD+. According to these studies, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide has been linked to processes in cardiovascular function, nervous system function, muscle cell activity, cell aging, and certain metabolic disorders. Researchers speculate that a decrease in the levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide may be associated with the onset of various disorders. Significant research has suggested that an increase of NAD+ levels may provide certain protective characteristics against various metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide may regulate muscle activity, cell growth, and sustainability. Several studies on muscle tissue from mice have indicated that high levels of NAD+ in the muscle tissue are associated with improved muscle cell function and development. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide has been suggested to improve muscle cell function and activity by upregulating mitochondria in the muscle cells. Since mitochondria are the powerhouse driving all the energy-requiring processes in the muscle cells, improving their function may directly impact muscle cells.

The elastic degeneration of the walls of arteries is one of the most common pathologies associated with cardiac dysfunction. Research on mice has suggested that boosting NAD+ levels may improve cardiac functioning. By maintaining the levels of NAD+ at the baseline, researchers appeared to have reduced the overall risk of heart enlargement, ischemic death, and injury in the murine models.


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Adipotide Peptide (FTPP) and its Metabolic Potential

Adipotide Peptide (FTPP) and its Metabolic Potential

What Is Adipotide (FTPP)?

Adipotide, also known as Prohibitin-TP01 and abbreviated as FTPP, is a synthetically made proapoptotic peptide with a unique function, potentially targeting and affecting various types of fat cells. Speculative research suggests that Adipotide might aim to reduce the number of fat cells by impacting the blood supply to adipocytes. It is suggested to target proteins present on the walls of blood vessels supplying adipocytes, potentially interfering with and disrupting the blood supply, resulting in the reabsorption and metabolism of fat cells.

According to research, Adipotide FTPP might selectively target the blood vessels supplying fat cells while potentially sparing other blood vessels responsible for supplying organs and tissues. Research conducted on monkeys, indicates that Adipotide may be associated with weight loss and potentially influence insulin sensitivity, thereby speculatively contributing to the management of conditions like type 2 diabetes.



Starting in 2011, research was initiated on Adipotide to explore its potential impact on weight loss. Details from preclinical research on Rhesus monkeys suggest that the exposure to Adipotide resulted in a targeted and highly selective apoptosis of blood vessels supplying white fat adipocytes. This process lead to the ischemic death of affected adipocytes, causing significant weight loss.

Researchers have suggested an intriguing side effect, where exposure to Adipotide reduced weight through fat loss and also decreased overall food consumption in test animals, suggesting a role in appetite reduction and weight loss. The selectivity of Adipotide in targeting the vasculature of fat cells suggests that the presence of a protein receptor called Prohibitin might play a role. Prohibitin is considered to be selectively present in the vasculature of fat and cancer cells, and Adipotide may interact with this protein to induce apoptosis in white adipocytes.



The sustenance of cancer cells might depend on their blood supply. In cancer research, targeting the blood supply of cancer cells has been explored. Adipotide has been suggested to interact with protein receptor Prohibitin, found on the walls of blood vessels supplying cancer cells. Adipotide might target cancer cells, leading to their death by ischemia.

Considering that pProhibitin is selectively present in cancer and fat cells, the study of Adipotide in anti-cancer research might yield positive results, as suggested by advanced studies which indicate that Adipotide selectively targets cancer cells while protecting surrounding cells and tissues.


Glucose Tolerance

Glucose tolerance refers to the biological response of higher-than-usual glucose levels. A test called OGTT, or the oral glucose tolerance test, measures this response through introduction of a set amount of high glucose and measuring corresponding blood glucose levels. Research suggests that if Adipotide leads to significant weight loss by burning white adipocytes, it might potentially contribute to changes in body mass index and, speculatively, improved insulin sensitivity. In essence, Adipotide might cause a decline in fatty cells and could potentially lead to fat loss.


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Semaglutide (GLP-1) as a Potential Metabolic Regulator

Semaglutide (GLP-1) as a Potential Metabolic Regulator

Semaglutide, aka GLP-1: What is it?

Semaglutide or GLP-1 is a naturally occurring peptide suggested to lower blood sugar levels, modulating insulin production and release. It is a 30-31 amino acid sequence short peptide. The primary function of Semaglutide (GLP-1) appears to be to regulate blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin secretion. Semaglutide appears to upregulate the transcription of the insulin genes and therefore prevents a pathological rise in blood sugar levels by protecting insulin stores. Although the primary research surrounding Semaglutide is based on its speculated anti-diabetic characteristics, newer studies are reviewing its role in other dimensions.

Semaglutide has been linked with neurotrophic effects in the brain and central nervous system. Semaglutide appears to decrease appetite in the gastrointestinal (GI) system by delaying gastric emptying and reducing intestinal motility. Preliminary research has suggested impacts of Semaglutide on the heart, fat, muscles, bones, liver, lungs, and kidneys. The main focus of Semaglutide research has been diabetes and appetite inhibition, and subsequent investigations focus on the possible cardiovascular impacts of the peptide. More prevalent and thus less robust research focuses on the potential of Semaglutide to stave off neurodegenerative disease. Though this latter area of research is the most recent, it is also the quick-growing domain of Semaglutide investigations which suggest the peptide may act to prevent the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaques in the context of Alzheimer’s disease research.


Blood Sugar Regulation – the Incretin Effect

One of the speculated ways Semaglutide appears to induce a drop in blood sugar levels is by the “incretin effect.” Incretins are hormones released by the gastrointestinal tract. These hormones are secreted in response to high glucose levels in the blood and act to bring down their levels.

The two most important regulators for incretin release appear to be GLP-1. Even though the circulatory levels of the other regulator, i.e. GIP, appear higher than that of Semaglutide, it appears more potent out of the two, particularly in very high blood sugar levels. Considered to be foremost expert, Dr. Holst has studied this effect, the link between GLP-1 and incretin, and its potency in rodent models.

A GLP-1 receptor has been observed on the surface of pancreatic beta cells, suggested that GLP-1 enhances the exocytosis of insulin from the pancreas. When mixed with sulfonylurea compounds, GLP-1 may potentially increase insulin secretion. It may be enough to cause mild hypoglycemia in up to 40% of research models. Moreover, increased insulin secretion is associated with several trophic results, such as better protein synthesis, a decrease in the breakdown of protein, and enhanced uptake of amino acids by skeletal muscle.


GLP-1 and The Brain

Secondary research on Semaglutide suggests it may have a neuroprotective role in the CNS and the brain. Exposure to Semaglutide may improve cognitive function and protect against certain neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. This potential was observed when the introduced of Semaglutide in mice with specific genetic defects appeared to induce an improvement in learning deficit as well as enhanced their associative and spatial learning.

GLP-1 and its analogs have been suggested to reduce amyloid-beta deposition in the brain and the beta-amyloid precursor protein found in the neurons. Since the deposition of these beta-amyloid plaques in brain tissue appears to be the primary pathology resulting in Alzheimer’s disease, Semaglutide may be relevant to Alzheimer research.


GLP-1 and The Hunger Hormone Signaling

Investigations in mice models suggested that direct introduction of Semaglutide into the brains of laboratory murine models appeared to reduce the drive to eat and inhibit food intake. Semaglutide may enhance satiety via hunger hormone (ghrelin) signaling, and reducing appetite. Recent studies have suggested that Semaglutide receptor agonists may induce gradual linear weight loss in mice. Over an extended period, this weight loss was associated with significant improvement in cardiovascular risk factors and reduced hemoglobin A1C levels. The latter is a proxy marker for the severity of diabetes and the quality of blood sugar control.


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